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One Bill.
Simplify Subscriptions.
Consolidate your subscriptions, simplify
your finances, and unlock
the freedom to enjoy.
Cancel unwanted subscriptions
Eliminate multiple due dates
Budget better
Live life
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Beta version available on iOS & Android
Trusted Partners:
We're not just simplifying subscriptions,
we're reimagining them
Streamline with Bundul’s One Sub concierge
Get free from the chaos of multiple subscriptions due dates and bundle with Bundul’s One Sub concierge to get one simple charge for all your subscriptions.
Safe and Secure
By acting as a buffer between you and various subscription websites, Bundul shields your payment information from potential attacks.
Frictionless payment solution for subscriptions
No need to manually input payment information when signing up for new subscription with ease.
*Save without Sacrifice
Put money back into your pocket without having to cancel your favorite subscriptions.
*Split Payment
Share your One Sub with friends and family or split it across two payments.
*Features will be released in future updates alonside other exciting features.
Enjoy clarity and regain control of
your finances
Explore in depth analysis of your subscriptions - categories, costs and year-over-year expense changes.
Experience the stability and structure of having one monthly charge for your favorite subscriptions.
Enjoy improved confidence to make solid financial decisions towards a more fulfilling life.
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We’ve got you covered
US - based Support
We are here with toll-free support if you need us
Bank-level Security
We use 256-bit encryption to protect the transmission of your data to Bundul
What is Bundul?
How does Bundul work?
Will the subscription service still charge me?
Is Bundul free?
Is Bundul only for TV streaming subscriptions?
Is Bundul available outside of the US?
How secure is Bundul?
You deserve peace of mind
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